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What is Nanotechnology?

What is Nanotechnology?
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For many people, Nanotechnology may be unfamiliar and difficult to wrap their head around. Nevertheless, nanotechnology has recently experienced an influx of attention both from mainstream media and more specifically, the daily activities of a number of the world's greatest scientists. These figures include Nobel Laureate Harold E. Mooney, NASA's Michio Kaku, Harold Varmus, Bill Gates, and Nobel Laureate Roger Kornberg.

Nanotechnology is the application of technologies with nanoscale dimensions (about 1 billion nanometers) to solve problems in fields such as medicine, chemistry, materials science and electronics.

Whether it is technology-based or not, it is expected that this latest influx of attention has instigated a rapid growth in public awareness. 

What are Nanobots?

A nanobot is a mechanical robotic device used to make machines perform better. There are many types of nanobots, some focused on tasks in the medical field, while others are based on looking after the environment, looking for viruses, bacteria, and even monitoring carbon dioxide levels,

Scientists are currently experimenting with nanobots that will be able to cure your body, repair your organs, repair tissue, and even fight off diseases and viruses. for some it is more frightening than nuclear weapons.

Scientists are researching on nanobots that are more intelligent, faster, and more advanced. On the other hand, the main drawback of nanobots is that they could have the ability to make new paths, which could lead to cause destruction.

With all of the risks involved, there are some advantages to nanotechnology. Nanobots promises to benefit a lot of things, such as the world of health, energy, the environment, and more.

For detailed information regarding Nanobots

Biological Nanotechnology?

Biological Nanotechnology?
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Perhaps. For the researchers, it's a matter of being nimble, easy, inexpensive, and easy to do more. They aren't exactly sure what else might come of it, though. Their patents, which were filed several years ago, are still pending.

On the other hand, biological nanotechnology is a big deal. Biological Nanotechnology is the branch of science that focuses on materials smaller than 1 nanometer. Biological nanotechnology takes that into consideration, and focuses on how biology might alter materials in those areas to produce new materials that could also be useful in the quest to get clean water and fresh food to people around the globe.

Another reason biological nanotechnology is important is the reason that biological nanotechnology exists in the first place: bacteria. Many scientists are working on creating engineered versions of bacteria, which are extremely useful. For example, researchers are using bacteria that can convert carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into methane, which would help remove that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and contribute to making the world more sustainable.

Where Can You Find Nanotechnology?

Whether you prefer to apply the concept to new fields or find it solely fascinating, the obvious place to look is science museums. There, you will find all sorts of exhibits. Often called science exhibits, these are sometimes displayed in a large space, as large as a football field. There, you can see tiny "batteries" and chips made of silver, metal covered in gold and copper, multi-colored computer chips, replicas of the solar system with tiny worlds orbiting the sun, and machines such as a "supercomputer," which takes up just about the entire floor. For some, though, the main attraction is nanotechnology in action.

Nanotechnology in Action

The most exciting exhibit that can be found in science museums is the one that features what Nanotechnology involves. In many exhibits, you can touch or even hold bits of nanoparticles, which themselves are quite small, and which have no common name. They are otherwise called carbon, titanium or copper nanoparticles.

Small enough to fit on your skin, such materials may help to improve our life in ways not even imagined just a few years ago. Some researchers have been working for years, and many believe it will take many more decades, to create a visible, working nanotechnology on a large scale, so we still do not know what some of the resulting technology will be. On the other hand, there are ways that this science and technology is now literally at our fingertips. Thanks to nanotechnology, we can see unprecedented improvements in medicine and in many other areas. As nanotechnology gets closer to creating real technologies on a large scale, we will all be glad to learn and try something new.

Nanotechnology is Widely Used in Medical Care

Nanotechnology has been used primarily in medical research. If nanotechnology helps us in developing new medicine, it is a very good thing. The main type of medical research that involves nanotechnology is nanoparticle drug delivery. Nanoparticles that serve medical purposes tend to be made of two different materials. One is Nano-sized carbon, titanium or copper. These are called biological or natural nanoparticles. In a medical situation, such nanoparticles may help to carry a specific drug directly to the sites where they are needed. Some examples of natural nanoparticles include:

salicin (an anti-inflammatory that helps  to cure skin rashes, blood clots, and other health problems)

ciclosporin (a therapy used to treat such blood clots and cancer) 

and antibodies that help heal the skin after injury. 

Natural nanoparticles may take the form of Nano-sized molecules that help with tumor growth and provide cell protection.

Nanotechnology is Being Used to Make Better Military Vehicles

Nano-sized aeronautics and other kinds of nanotechnology has been used, so far, mainly in industry, but it is not limited to these. According to a 2010 report in a scientific journal, "One of the leading forces driving the development of nanoengineering technology is defense and security." Because of this, nanotechnology is now being used in military vehicles. For example Instead of tires, military vehicles now have rubber blocks, coated with silica or cobalt oxide, that have been made to stay in their airtight cavities. Depending on the properties of the silica, these rubber blocks, called "silica tubes," might change their thickness depending on what is around them. The result is a "smarter" tire, with much more flexibility. In other words, a smart tire means that the vehicle will change its air pressure, or air pressure in the tires, on the spot.

Nanotechnology is a Breakthrough in Computers

Nanotechnology is a Breakthrough in Computers
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Some might not consider this, but nanotechnology is a critical technology that is making computers much faster, smaller, lighter, more accurate, and more efficient, so we will need to learn how to use it in future computers. "Within five years, scientists predict computers will be smaller than human hair, with the smallest computer measuring only two millimeters in diameter." Nanotechnology may be used to make, computer chips that are 100 times smaller and more powerful than they are today. In the future, we may also be able to make the chips so small, computers may be in our fingernails, on our wrist, and in our clothing. According to a science website, this will probably happen because these chips, once they are made, are very small, and very light. Even with materials that are very light, such as graphene, the amount of electricity or computer input that can be processed by such chips is so small, so many of the important parts have been omitted. This makes the chips very sensitive to vibrations, so nanotech chips have to be very, very thin. So, because of this, thin materials have been suggested as the most suitable for making computer chips.

Although Nano-technology can help create computers that are much smaller, lighter, and more powerful, it can also create some problems. In fact, it is one of the main reasons why many scientists, such as nanotechnologist Maximilian Fischer, worry about Nano-technology: "The real risk for nanotechnology is that it might end up making us much worse." Since many Nano-technologies, like Nano-silica tubes, may be the most important and the most powerful, it may also be responsible for creating new problems.

Use of Nano-technology in Automobiles

Use of Nano-technology in Automobiles
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Finally, we can learn about nanotechnology because automobile makers have used the technology for many years. Because of this, we know that many of the technology problems that are being faced today with Nano-technologies are also being faced by automobile makers. For example, the automobile makers have already faced the problem of making better tires, and now they face the problem of making better tires with fewer air pockets. We are not sure if these new tires, with fewer air pockets, will have the same safety issues that are being faced today, or if they will make cars lighter. The automobile makers are also facing challenges of making bigger, safer, better cars that are much faster. For example, competition among car makers is very fierce, with almost all automobile makers striving to lower the emissions from their vehicles, the so-called fuel consumption. The vehicle manufacturers, including the tire makers, are also facing challenges with coating cars with the most advanced coating materials. For example, Automobile makers have tried coating their cars with foams and foams that absorb heat more quickly. In other words, they are trying to coat the car in a way so that the paint or foam can easily be removed. Some of the coating materials may also need replacing over time.

So, we know that cars made by automobile makers are already using Nano-technology to make better tires, and in the future, we will need to use the technology to make better, lighter, and better computers, as well. We also know that automobile makers are using the technology to make cars that are faster, and smarter, and more powerful.

Try to Create Something Very Small

Now that we know what nanotechnology is, and we know that it may have some negative effects, we need to use this knowledge to make something very very small. This is the purpose of the Nano-Particle Actuary Model, or Nano mechanics. Since we know that we will need the best possible technology to make computers, we have to try to make something very small. This is where Nano-technology and computer chips, which are made by making the tiniest computer chips, come together.

What we really need is a computer chip that is so small, so light, so powerful, and so compact, that we can have it attached to a chip at the end of a wire that is very, very thin. This is exactly what we need, and this is exactly what we are working towards with Nanotechnology and Micro-technology. We know that our computer chips are not very good, because they do not work very well, and we know that we can create a computer chip that is small, fast, and powerful. Nanotechnology has actually made it possible for the computer chip makers to shrink the size of computer chips.

Nanotechnology and Micro-Technology Growing Together

Here are some of the main ways in which the fusion of nanotechnology and micro-technology are changing the future of the micro-technology industry: NANO-INSPIRATION. Through the cooperation of nanotechnology research with nanotechnology application, new ideas and new technologies can be improved. The micro-technology industry has increased the possibilities for micro-technology research, and, at the same time, it has resulted in more rapid progress than in the past, due to new research and new innovations.

There are many people working on Nano-technology and Micro-technology applications, and we are now moving towards micro-technology using nanotechnology. Because of this, micro-technology now makes up about 25% of micro-technology applications.

So, we know that computers are used in everyday life, and that the computer industry has grown very rapidly over the past few decades. Now we are already looking into computers that are much smaller, faster, and more powerful. This will not be a one-way process. Micro-technology will start to use Nano-technology, and the Nano-technology industry will start to use micro-technology, and vice-versa. By that time, we will be looking at computers that are so small, powerful, and useful that we will look at micro-technology as obsolete.

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