What are Nanobots? | CluentHub

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What are Nanobots?

What are Nanobots?
image-google | source-https://www.roboticsbusinessreview.com/

A nanobot is a mechanical robotic device used to make machines perform better. There are many types of nanobots, some focused on tasks in the medical field, while others are based on looking after the environment, looking for viruses, bacteria, and even monitoring carbon dioxide levels,

Scientists are currently experimenting with nanobots that will be able to cure your body, repair your organs, repair tissue, and even fight off diseases and viruses. for some it is more frightening than nuclear weapons.

Like biological cells, the nanobots are made up of chemicals known as nanomaterials that are joined together using specific types of machinery. However, nanobots are not smart enough to move and act by themselves. 

Just like biological cells, nanobots are equipped with “selective sensors” and “locomotion motors” They are also capable of altering their shape.

Scientists are researching on nanobots that are more intelligent, faster, and more advanced. On the other hand, the main drawback of nanobots is that they could have the ability to make new paths, which could lead to cause destruction.

With all of the risks involved, there are some advantages to nanotechnology. Nanotechnology promises to benefit a lot of things, such as the world of health, energy, the environment, and more.

Nanobots are expected to help people to understand their health, when dealing with abnormalities or illnesses. Some scientists have also shown the potential of nanobots in looking after the environment by looking for potentially harmful bacteria, nanomaterials, and even determining the location of toxic substances.

More than anything, nanobots are expected to improve healthcare and the results of medical treatment. Some types of nanobots are also capable of assisting in surgery. Even more nanobots can also change the composition of your body, making sure it works perfectly.

Further down the line, nanobots could even create more sustainable ways of harvesting energy. Some types of nanobots can be activated to make gasoline by themselves, for instance, while others can make electricity from carbon dioxide.

It seems impossible to look at these benefits and not want to think about the potential of nanobots, which might be one of the most dangerous advancements in science.

Nanobots in medical care

Nanobots are artificial life forms designed to function in the cell membranes of the cells of the human body, to navigate, and deliver specific drugs. Because nanobots are small, with low sizes comparable to the atomic scale, they are seen as offering a way to improve the efficacy of traditional chemotherapy or drug delivery techniques.

How do nanobots work?

Nanobots are not made of solid material but of liquid crystals. A liquid crystal is an organic polymeric material which contains liquid molecules and they move in the horizontal and vertical orientations, and eventually form a curved shape when they are solidified.

The shape of a liquid crystal is governed by the sequence of the horizontal and vertical movements, and the tendency of the liquid to return to its original shape after it has been compressed. Researchers have developed an artificial solid material which mimics the pattern of a liquid crystal.

Once the gel is mechanically stretched, the fluids flow from one direction, and continue on for the required amount of time. Nanobots are made of liquid crystals and robots are surrounded by it, sometimes in three dimensional shapes. The water-based liquid crystals are programmed to change shape when they are stretched in response to physical force.

When nanobots are attached to small medical instruments, such as a needle, they can move under the influence of electricity. Nanobots are programmed with a computer program which can also send the direction and the amount of strain, using a wire communication network. Nanobots can do their tasks under direct mechanical force, or under controlled pressure. They can move around, find their way around in the tissue, and transmit drugs.

If a nanobot is too long to travel in one direction, it can be inserted into the tissue by another type of robot that can morph into another shape. In the medical field, these artificial nanobots can be tested in the central nervous system (CNS), the brain, or the blood, to explore different types of tumors. And cure them in every possible way.

For detailed information regarding Nanotechnology 

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